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How to Use the Abacus: Addition

The abacus is a great tool for teaching math and can immensely help to develop your child's brain.

It is not a complex instrument although it can be used to solve complex problems.

In this article, we will discuss how to use the abacus to add.

Always remember!

Before we start adding or subtracting numbers, always set the abacus to zero. To set your abacus to zero, push all the beads away from the beam.

Just like when counting using the abacus, we need to take note of the unit values. The center column of the abacus represents the units.

From the center column, when you move to your left, the units will move to tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. And as you move to your right, the decimals will move to tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and so on.

Now that we are ready, let’s now try to add using these few examples:

Adding one-digit numbers

To add one-digit numbers, we will use the center column.

Example: 1 + 3 =

  • In the center column, use your right thumb to push one lower bead up towards the beam to count 1.

  • In the center column, use your right thumb to push three lower beads up towards the beam to add the value of 3.

  • Calculate the total value of the beads. The answer is 4.

Adding two-digit numbers

To add two-digit numbers, you need to use the tens and ones columns.

Example: 22 + 12 =

  • In the tens column, use your left thumb to push two lower beads up towards the beam to get a value of 20.

  • At the same time, in the ones column, use your right thumb to push two lower beads up towards the beam to get the value of 2, and now you have a total of 22.

  • In the tens column, add one bead by using your left thumb to push up toward the beam to get the value of 10.

  • At the same time, in the ones column, use your right thumb to push two lower beads up towards the beam to get the value of 2, and now you have a total of 12.

  • Calculate the total value of the beads. The answer is 34.

How we help!

Now that you can try to perform addition using an abacus, use these examples to teach your children. With proper training, the abacus helps your children perform addition at a high speed.

Mentalmatics can help you with that! Mentalmatics offers classes not only to help your children easily perform addition on the abacus, but also to train them to reach their full potential. Teachers are very eager to help your children master the abacus in no time!

To find out more, make a reservation to talk to us from the link below!


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